A downloadable game for Windows

After the tragic loss of the love of his life (and his actual life), the time travelling Damian finds himself sent 200 years into the past and with a new power, the ability to merge timelines into his own! Not the one to let an opportunity slip away, he immediately hunts down the still under-construction Gigantimus, to finally earn his happily ever after!

You begin the game as Damian at the outskirts of Gigantimus's construction site. Armed guards patrol the area. Your goal is to get to Gigantimus and it is your choice how. Damian has a new time power to help him with this: whenever he dies, time is reset and your previous playthrough becomes a 'time clone'. This 'time clone' exists in the world and plays alongside you. 

For instanced, you may come across a wire to zipline to Gigantimus, but the wire's in use by the guard lights. Thus, you can find the power plant and disable the electric grid. You may, however, find that Damian has been trapped in the power plant! So you rewind time and send your past self to disable the lights, allowing current Damian to freely use the zipline. 

Also, if you are having trouble getting past some guards, or bosses, bring in an army of Damians to confuse the guards and sneak on through!

You may have up to five clones at a time representing your last five attempts.


E/Y Button- Interact

I/ D-Pad Up Button- Enable Throwable

Right Mouse Button/Left Shoulder- Aim

Left Mouse Button/Right Shoulder- Throw

P/ D-Pad Down Button- Reset time

WASD/Left Thumb Stick - Movement

Control/X Button -Crouch

Spacebar/A Button - Jump

Shift/L3 Button -Sprint

NOTE: Rumor has it, that if you change your computer's local time to April 7th 2021, the day that changed the course of human history, this would add a mysterious save file to the load game menu. 

*You could also set the game time to 2021, in the main menu options.


Steel Gear

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